Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tipsy the Assasin

I was going to call him Hiccup, it just didn't feel right after looking at him. Just wanted something a little more legitimate after my first post.

Done in a certain class, my headache today is not helping me take real notes.

I'm really not okay with this.

A friend asked me what I thought of this game trailer (Final Fantasy 13 2 F.Y.I.)

Final Fantasy and I have love hate relationship, but sequels and I have a HATE relationship. Still, I feel like I'm going to buy it because Lightning is in it (and I'm hopeless) and it gives me something new to complain about. Just please take out the auto-battle. That was probably the biggest deal breaker when my friends were talking up the game last fall.

I think most of all I have a bit of a problem with the armor. I don't get other fantasy games fascination with becoming Valkyrie Profile. The armor would look normal in a Medieval setting (FFIX or FFXII), but it seems out of place in FFXIII's futuristic setting. To me armor also has a certain connotation of fealty to a lord or ruler, which Lightning has proven she is fairly opposed to.

That's about the only major problem at a glance though. The purple guy is weird, but it's too early to judge.
 It is really pretty, but that's a Square standard. Although, they also have a standard for unsatisfying sequels when the Final Fantasy Series is involved. I guess we'll just have to wait until the fall of 2011 to see what happens.